In the inaugural episode of the Grace, Grief and Grit Podcast, we dive into the heartbreaking yet inspiring story of Hallie Grace, a young warrior who battled Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa (JEB). Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), often referred to as the "worst disease you've never heard of," affects 200,000 families annually, causing severe skin fragility and blistering.
Join us as we explore the legacy of Hallie Grace, a beacon of strength in the face of unimaginable challenges. Her parents, Anne and Joe Davis, will guide us through their remarkable journey, sharing the highs and lows of their three-month battle with JEB alongside Hallie Grace.
Tune in to the Grace, Grief and Grit Podcast as we embark on a mission to educate, uplift, and amplify the voices of those affected by EB. Together, we can illuminate the challenges faced by these remarkable individuals, honor the memory of Hallie Grace, and work towards a future where no family has to endure the devastating impact of this rare disease alone.
Learn more about the voices in this episode:
Joe & Anne Davis
Facebook - Hallie Grace, Tiny Butterfly Warrior
Instagram - tinybutterflywarrior
Raise Awareness - In Loving Memory of Hallie Grace Davis (
Donate to Heroes for Hallie Grace
Hosted & Produced by Dee Daniels with DeeDanielsMedia
Theme song written and performed by Hallie Grace